Mon, Oct 14 '19, 17:30
Staff rules
Rule #0 Being a staff member you will agree to:
Not ban people without giving a good reason or without a reason in general if you're gonna ban someone we expect you to give that user an actual reason and if a staff member does ban you for no real reason then please email the developer athttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/h/1boubuuywgv3z/?& and we will unban.

Rule #1 Treat our users with respect:
If you're a moderator and you are giving a warning then please do not be too hurtful to them just be calm and tell them in a respectful way to not violate a rule.

Rule #2 Do not delete the following:
If something has at least one thing pony related in it then please do not delete them as long as they have something related to mlp.

Rule #3 If you are a staff member and you break these rules then you might get kicked off of the staff list and will have to be a regular user for a while.

Rule #4 Please help our users when needed:
When a user asks you something important then please actually explain to them what they are asking instead of just deleting their comment without an explanation and if you do that without at least trying to explain then you will be permanently removed from the staff list and will have to stay as a regular user.

Rule #5 Please be respectful to regular users. If you are going to be a moderator or administrator then a professional behavior is expected from you. Do not call people names and do not use swear words against someone unless if it’s just to be silly or if you’re talking about the image.

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